1.) You hear the bird
singing, and occasionally see them.
2.) Snow piles dwindle down
into snow puddles.
3.) Bare branches are touched
with red buds.
4.) Faces no longer hidden in
hats and scarves.
5.) People walk naturally, in
a stride that doesn’t worry about ice.
6.) Sounds from inside and
outside mingle through open windows.
7.) Yards become bustling
centers of activity.
8.) Shoreline shops open up.
9.) More and more people
walk, rather than drive short distances.
10.) Hot baked doughs give
way to cool chilled creams.
11.) Patches of bare earth
sprout stalks and activity.
12.) Doors are left open
without concern.
13.) Wearing a coat is no
longer a given.
14.) More and more work is
done outside.
15.) More and more skin is exposed.
Borrowed.) Fog rolls in.