

I need to write a character who doesn’t change. A character who forgets where he has been sometimes, and as he learns new things he forgets old things.

He is ready to act but only so much. He would not campaign for years. He would know when one simple thing could open chances and minds, but he would never throw himself into a cause. Those who truly choose will be respected.


I need to write a love story. A love where they do not understand each other’s words, or always remain calm. A love that can never be separated because even if they are angry, even if they want each other’s blood, they simply must seek each other out.


I need to write a truly perfect happy ending. What little you have is lost. Meager possessions and few people, gone. All that you have is your life, and a duty, an obligation, a quest. You didn’t ask for it, you don’t know why you’re doing it, and you are not strong enough to nobly suffer. No. You rage against it, and if you only could you would let it all go, but even if you do, you are a part of events. Continue, or let “it” catch up with you.

The story would grow darker, bleaker, and it would seem that there is no victory, and completing your quest will mean nothing, but still you are called, and the world is beautiful for it.


These things may be cliché, but if done well, they matter, when lights dim.