Favorite Shirt
shirt for every occasion. A shirt to project sophistication, the elegance and
charm of finely aged wines. The unobtrusive shirt that does not make a sound,
letting you remain in the background. The mysterious and enigmatic shirt that
draws the eye in, but speaks so softly all you hear are murmurs and whispers.
And, of course, the bombastic and bold shirt that projects across the entire
room, proclaiming who you are without giving a damn what others think. Many
garments, many colors, many skins to envelop us like gloves and masks,
concealing our true markings under a costume. Who are we? We are characters,
projecting who we wish to be, what we want others to see. Often a true side of
ourselves, but only one side, one piece of the whole, the whole truth. Another
time, another place, would you know us, would you recognize us?