I'm looking at...

April 14, 2009



The world is screaming.

Advertisements, still and in motion, trying to convince us.

Everything has a symbol, everything has a name.

People proclaim their taste, their music, images of those they revere, on their clothes. Some go so far as to print platitudes across themselves. Still others mold themselves to the image of an icon, and those who don’t, who by chance dress like “them”, are assumed to be “one of them”. Everything man made, every choice made, is a door to a hallway full of meaning.

Whether aware or caught unawares everything must be chalk full of meaning, proclaiming or betraying allegiances.

Everyone sees, everyone judges, and judgments mean, even they proclaim.

A frog on a rock, and a red tree just be, but a photo, it means!

Why must it mean? Why can’t it be? Why can’t things be that simple?

A person holds another’s hand. They care, they want, but let it go no further. All have meaning, therefore let it all fade away, banished to the unconscious. Let the world be simple and small, a little corner for each of us, not the whole for all, and all jostle to control, or fight control. A frog, a rock, a tree, not vast ropes of meaning that constrict and tighten like puppet strings.


When I'm patient

April 14, 2009


I’m patient when I’ve already done my part, my respons...

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Takers and Givers

April 14, 2009



We all think we are generous, that we give enough, b...

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What I'm homesick for

April 14, 2009



We got up at 8, ...

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3 Things I Need to Write About

April 14, 2009



I need to write a character who doesn’t change. A ...

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What Saves Me

April 14, 2009



I feel…restless. There’s something about silence...

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How My Perspective on Writing has Changed

April 14, 2009



When I was very young I thought that writers were li...

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A love letter

April 14, 2009



No hunting here, ...

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