Nana's Turkey Stuffing
1.) Two days before roasting the turkey, spread slices of white bread on a cookie sheet to dry out. Use 1.5-2 large loaves for 20-22 lb. turkey, 1 large loaf for a 15-20 lb. turkey.
2.) If not dry by next day put tray in oven at 150-175 degrees to become crisp. Do not toast the bread, that will change the flavor.
3.) Remove giblets from inside the cavity. Rinse and boil with neck in about 3 cups of water or more, for 40-45 minutes.
4.) Put dry bread slices through a grinder. Mix with softened margarine, butter, or smart balance. Fingers are the best mixing method.
5.) When giblets are done pour off the water and save it.
6.) Trim the gizzard of the tough tough outside (gizzard is the organ with two lobes). With fingers, remove meat from neck.
7.) Put all through the grinder, gradually.
8.) Grind 2 medium onions, white, cut into quarters.
9.) Add water saved from giblet boiling to bread crumbs. Add ground giblets and onion to mixture and mix well.
10.) If it's too dry add a little water.
11.) Stir in 1/8 to 1/4 of Bell's poultry dressing. Refrigerate overnight.
12.) On the second day, in the AM, preheat the oven to 450 degrees.
13.) Rinse the turkey cavity and remove loose red material. Fill cavity with dressing.
14.) Grease turkey with margarine. Put foil tent over the top loosely.
15.) Put stuffed turkey in oven and immediately reduce temp to 325.
16.) After 1/2 to 1 hour, baste. Baste every 30-45 minutes.
17.) Remove foil tent 1 hour before turkey is due to be done.
Weight in lbs=Roasting Time
8-12=2.75-3 hours
12-14=3-3.75 hours
14-18=3.75-4.25 hours
18-20=4.25-4.5 hours
20-24=4.5-5 hours